/ About Us

About ClearTrust Consulting

ClearTrust Consulting SRL is a Belgian company operating in the financial sector possessing international dimension. CTC has its Head office in Belgium but will operate globally , particularly in Luxembourg, Zürich, London, Singapore, New York and Kigali (Rwanda).

The current targeted markets are Belgium, and Luxembourg.

As a service provider in the financial sector, ClearTrust Consulting offers a range of services to different financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, investment funds, Professionals of financial sector (PSF).

Our History

The company was founded in Belgium in October 25, 2019 by experienced consultants working for a wide range of financial institutions in Luxembourg and Belgium.

Despite the pandemic crisis, ClearTrust Consulting has shown its resilience. It has the ability to face challenges and continues to develop its business.

Cleartrust Consulting is a consulting service provider in financial sector focusing on 2 core businesses: Consulting and Training.

Our Vision

ClearTrust Consulting has a long term vision. CTC will not only focus on its growth in terms of its clients’ demands but also it will contribute to safeguard the interests of all its stakeholders.

Our Values

ClearTrust Consulting is built on strong values such as integrity, gentleness, commitment and diversity. To accomplish its purpose, ClearTrust Consulting will focus on enhancing capability, competences, skills of different Consultants who will eventually deliver high quality results.

Our Goal

Our goal is to provide the best services to our clients and to contribute to the progress of financial institutions by promoting our best values, commitment, integrity, fairplay, and diversity.